Bible Study text — Blue Ridge Fellows

“You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me.”

-Jesus in John 5:39

The Bible is telling one story. It’s a story about Jesus and our need for Him. This story runs throughout the Old and New Testament narratives, and it is reinforced in the law, poetry, prophecy, and epistles. Every passage in some way draws our attention to our fallenness and Christ’s solution to it.

In fact, the Bible is not primarily a book about what we must do; it is about what Jesus has done and will do for us. When properly understood, all of Scripture calls us to find life in Jesus. Every story whispers his name.

Unfortunately our instincts often compel us to read the bible moralistically, driven by the assumption that if there is a story, we are the hero of it. Each week the Blue Ridge Fellows gather to unlearn these instincts and to develop new skills to read the scriptures Christocentrically, so that our hearts might burn within us, as Christ is revealed.