“The whole world is a theater for the display of the divine goodness, wisdom, justice, and power, but the Church is the orchestra, as it were—the most conspicuous part of it.

-John Calvin


Jesus Christ gathers his church in every time and space so that we, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. Blue Ridge Fellows live this out in the rich community of the Church of the Holy Spirit, a thriving 1,200 member Anglican church in Roanoke, Virginia.

The Church of the Holy Spirit serves the Blue Ridge Fellows, and the Fellows serve the church.  Some volunteer in the youth program, others help to lead worship, and some may teach or serve behind the scenes according to their gifts. Over nine months each Blue Ridge Fellow sets a pattern and a trajectory for lifelong, vital engagement in a local body of believers where God builds his people, and manifests his glory to the world.