“Vocations are “masks of God.” On the surface, we see an ordinary human face – our mother, the doctor, the teacher, the waitress, our pastor – but, beneath the appearances, God is ministering to us through them. God is hidden in human vocations.

-Martin Luther

Pursuing a vocation is one of the ways we bear God’s image. God works, so we work and in so doing, we fulfill his creation mandate to fill the earth and subdue it, establishing his dominion. Blue Ridge Fellows are assisted in finding a three to four day-a-week paid internship in their chosen field where they can serve their employer, develop their skills, and practice seamless faith.

There are numerous industries represented in Roanoke in which fellows can live out their calling, including: 
Norfolk SouthernCarilion Roanoke Memorial HospitalSynchrony,  ITT night vision, Kroger, Allstate, Yokohama, General Electric, Virginia Tech, Meridian Bank.