“To be sure, food keeps us alive, but that is only its smallest and most temporary work. Its eternal purpose is to furnish our sensibilities against the day when we shall sit down at the heavenly banquet and see how gracious the Lord is. Nourishment is necessary only for a while; what we shall need forever is taste.”

-Robert Farrar Capan

There is something soul-satisfying about rich discussion and shared fellowship over a delicious meal. This combination is enjoyed every week as the Blue Ridge fellows gather for meal fellowship in the home of the Blue Ridge Fellows directors. 

Every Tuesday we imitate the format made famous by Francis Schaeffer at L’Abri as we gather to discuss the beauty of Christ and how he brings purpose and meaning to every area of life. Jesus makes the lovely things sweeter and the miseries more bearable; he defines masculinity and femininity; he is just, and the one who justifies the wicked; he reconciles people to God and races to one another.  All of which and more the Blue Ridge Fellows discuss and ponder while enjoying a meal together with the director’s family.